1) Download the App -> open the Google Play Store app on your device, and search for “Voice Ordering System”

     (the link is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.expertreasoningsystems.VoiceOrderingSystem)

2) Choose “Install” to install the app 

3) Select “Open” to open the app

4) A system dialog will appear, choose Allow (this enables some advanced speech recognition capabilities)


5) The Terms and Conditions dialogue will appear – select OK if you agree to the terms and conditions (available on this site at https://expertreasoningsystems.com/about/terms-and-conditions/)

6) The app will take you to the following sign-up page. Note that the sign-up process is hosted by Microsoft, at expertreasoningsystems.b2clogin.com


7) There is an option to sign up using your Google Account. If you sign up with Google, you can skip the following steps.

8a) Once you select “Sign up now”, you will be presented with a page where you will need to enter an email address, for example:

8b)  Press “Send verification code” and then check your email at the address you entered for the code. Return to this page and enter the code, then press “Verify Code”:

8c) Please choose your country (e.g. “United States”), then enter a Display Name. Your display name should be in the form of “First-name Last-Initial”, e.g. “Glenn H” as shown. Alternately you can include your middle initial, e.g. “Glenn W H”. This is the name that will be shown to the shops when you make orders. Finally, if you want to allow shops to contact you in case there are possible changes to an order, enter a phone number.

9) Select “Create” to finish the sign-up process and create your account. When finished, sign in as shown:


10) You will be presented with a screen that resembles the following:

11) Instructions for using the app are here: USING THE APP